+316-24375268 info@personaltrainerforhealth.nl

What about your visceral fat?

Curious About Your Visceral Fat Value? Discover How It Affects Your Health

Visceral fat, also called organ fat, is a type of fat that is located around your organs. This fat is not visible on the outside and can be dangerous to your health. A healthy level of visceral fat should be below 12. Not only people with a high BMI have too much visceral fat; slimmer people can also suffer from it.

A visceral fat level higher than 12 increases your risk of various health problems. This fat can literally squeeze your organs. For example, your lungs get less space and oxygen, which can cause shortness of breath. It can also fatten your liver, making it less able to perform its detoxifying function. In addition, visceral fat produces various substances, such as fatty acids, hormones and inflammatory proteins, which increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.  Visceral fat is between your organs

How Do You Measure Visceral Fat?

At Personal Trainer For Health, we can accurately measure your visceral fat with our professional Tanita scales. It's important to note that not all Tanita scales are equally reliable, but the version we use is among the most reliable on the market. In addition to your visceral fat value, we also measure your overall fat percentage, muscle mass, resting metabolism and fluid content.

Would you also like to measure your visible fat layer? You can do so with a skinfold measurement. While this measurement is extremely accurate when taken by the same trainer, this method cannot determine your visceral fat content. For that, you need the Tanita measurement.

Measure visceral fat reliably

What If Your Visceral Fat Level Is Too High?

Excessive visceral fat and fat percentage are a serious health risk. It is then important to modify your lifestyle. This means eating healthier, exercising more, getting enough rest and reducing stress. We at Personal Trainer For Health can help you make these changes step by step.

What We Can Do For You

At Personal Trainer For Health, we offer personalized guidance on fitness, nutrition and lifestyle. We can be your personal trainer, dietician and coach and help you achieve your goals. With the right approach and guidance, you can lower your visceral fat, improve your health and regain your energy.

Contact us today for a no-obligation measurement and advice!

For information, send a whatsapp/sms to 06-24375268