06-24375268 info@personaltrainerforhealth.nl

What about your visceral fat?

Are you curious about the amount of fat around your organs?

Also called visceral fat. This is not visibly fat and should have a value below 12. Not only people with a high BMI suffer from this fat, but also the leaner people. A value higher than 12 gives an increased chance of various health problems and can be dangerous. For example, it can put your organs under pressure. Your lungs can then receive less oxygen which can cause shortness of breath. The liver also becomes fat within and is less able to perform its detoxifying function. Visceral fat also produces various substances such as fatty acids, hormones and inflammatory proteins. These increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.

We can fully measure you on our Tanita scale. There is a lot of difference in accuracy with regard to the different Tanita scales. Many are even very unreliable. The scale that we use is one of the most reliable of Tanita. In addition to this measurement, we can also measure your visible fat layer with a skin fold measurement. This measurement scores higher reliability if it is performed by the same trainer but cannot determine your visceral fat content. With us that is only possible on the Tanita. On the Tanita we can measure your overall fat percentage, muscle mass, resting metabolism and moisture content, among other things.

Visceral fat is between your organs
If your visceral fat content and fat percentage are too high, it is important for your health to change your lifestyle by eating healthier, exercising more, but also by ensuring adequate rest and reducing stress.

We at Personal Trainer for Health can help you with this. We can become your personal trainer, dietician & coach.

For information, send a whatsapp/sms to 06-24375268

Measure visceral fat reliably